Stuart out did himself this Valentines Day.
It started by coming home to gorgeous Hydrangeas, an adorable card and the most insane looking Chocolate Ganache Flourless Cake! Now, all that know Stuart, knows that he does not cook. I have made it my personal endevour to teach him all of the basics like scrambled eggs, grilled cheese. etc...but he has never taken on a full meal by himself and I have to say he blew competing Valentines menus from fancy-smancy restaurants OUT of the water last night.
As I walk into the house, this Chocolate Ganache Cake had just been removed from the oven, and Stuart is in the midst of removing a casserole dish full of boiling water from the oven. He proceeds to explain that the water was crucial when cooking a chocolate ganache cake so that it helps create a moist and steamy environment, which prevents cracking in the cake.
My heart does a flip, "who is this chef in my kitchen?" ...Cracking, steam pan, spring form pan, Chocolate Ganache...what has become of my husband. I was so curious as to what the rest of the night would include, and loved this side of Stuart I was meeting for the first time.

Stuart's new interest is mixology. We are building a fully stocked bar complete with every cocktail ingredient imaginable and due to his new interest I have been deemed Chief Taste-tester!!! Tonight's special was a Pink V-day Cocktail that was slightly fruity, with a hint of bitter, and overall divine! yum

Next up, the surprise appetizer was unveiled- Oysters Rockefeller, our FAVORITE appetizer ever. I couldn't believe he got all of the ingredients and wanted to take this one on...we have always ordered it at restaurants, but never made something this complex. The adventure began!

So, I removed the oysters from the fridge to find they had not been shucked. Eeek, I dunno how to shuck an oyster. Stu steps up to take on this challenge, and after lots of great attempts and a few bent butter knives, he decides to take a run down the block back to Whole Foods to get them to shucked. hehe It all worked out in the end.

The finished product turned out to be so delicious...that it is going to be hard to order these at a restaurant anymore knowing how good they can be. I totally reccommend taking on the Oyster Rockefeller adventure if you love Oysters. I am sure Stu would be flattered to share the recipe he found.

Next course...was a build your own Margarita Pizza! It was a great lighter balance to the Oysters and it was perfect since we have lots of left overs today. :)
Lastly, it all came full circle and we devoured a slice (or two..) ;) of the Chocolate Flourless Ganache cake. GAH...heavenly.
I just love that after knowing/dating Stuart for 11 years now, I am still pleasantly surprised to discover something new about him. When he puts his mind to anything, he masters it. So proud. It was so refreshing to come home and have the best Valentines Day celebration because coincidentally I had spent my day with a lot of V-day cynics. I do not fall for some people's argument that holidays like V-day are all worked up for nothing, it's a marketing ploy, and the excuses go on... You know, if no one ever got worked up or excited about any holiday what would we all look forward to? What would force us out of our everyday routine to do a little something extra for ourselves or others? Holidays like everyday are what you make of it, and I choose to go with the big, fun, enjoyable, loving option rather than choosing to downplay the excitement that can come with these special days sprinkled throughout the year. What is your take on it all?
And...I just wanted to add that Stuart got some Valentine surprises himself. The problem is...I got way too enthusiastic about his Valentines Day present and gave it to him the night of Feb 13th. I just couldn't stand hiding it or waiting an entire night. So now...he will be sporting a few new fashionable items around NYC. He has been working super hard in the gym and has needed some downsized clothing options to show off his new form. ;)
Love you Stu. Thank you for the best Valentines Day ever.
AW!!! I LOVED this! Way to go STU! Seth and I fondue-d and it was perfect. I completely agree with you on the whole Valentine's Day theory. Even when I was single, Valentine's Day wasn't a day to be sad... it's a day to give love to those you love and a GREAT excuse to eat a yummy meal, drink wine, eat dessert and watch a chick flick... Oh, and buy yourself a box of chocolate truffles. I don't buy into the bitterness. BE HAPPY PEOPLE! :) Love you, E!
ReplyDeleteOoooOoooo Fondue~ sounds perfect. Can't wait to see you Haley B.
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